Saturday, 27 March 2010

Boot madness!

Whatever happened to traditional black football boots? In a photograph of a park team in the local newspaper last week, I counted that six out of the eleven players were wearing coloured boots. And I don't mean red laces or a white tongue, I mean full on, visible from space fluorescent yellows and brilliant blues. The bright green number that Wayne Rooney wears at the monment looked a popular choice as well.

Now is it me, or do you actually have to be a pretty good player to get away with boots like that? As far as i'm concerned, some overweight, middle aged bloke trying to do step-overs in his Wayne Rooney boots on a Sunday morning makes himself a prime target for some particularly crunching tackles. Then again, if they're all wearing them, maybe not!

How long 'til those buffs catch on?

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